The Kirishima Thing (2012)

"Kirishima, Bukatsu Yamerutteyo" tells the story of two high school students who crosses social boundaries between the elite and lower class at their school. Ryoya Maeda, from the lower class, is a member of the film club, while Hiroki Kikuchi, from the elite class, is a non-participating member of the high school baseball team. * Movie is based on the novel "Kirishima, Bukatsu Yamerutteyo" by Ryo Asai (first published February, 2010). * Ryo Asai's original novel "Kirishima, Bukatsu Yamerutteyo" is an omnibus story telling the stories of numerous characters. The movie "Kirishima, Bukatsu Yamerutteyo" focuses on two characters from the novel Ryoya Maeda & Hiroki Kikuchi. * Filming takes place in Kochi City, Japan.

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